Thursday, January 31, 2013


Suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder? Ya me too. Here are some photos from a recent trip to warm and sunny Florida to help cope...


Lately... Life through Instagram photos.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Music Love: I'm a 90's B&*$#

Did everyone else who watches HBO's Girls immediately find this song and dance around like a fool after watching Sunday's episode?! I'm 100% guilty.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Today I decided to skip the jeans and boring t-shirt and instead don a LBD which was happily discovered at Salvation Army along with the striped sweater. Yay for trying to keep one of my goals!

Monday, January 7, 2013


Another new year begins. A fresh start and a fresh, positive attitude.
Here are thirteen goals I have set for myself for the next twelve months of my life...

1. Travel to the West Coast. The farthest west I have traveled is Pittsburgh so this is a huge goal I have set for the summer. I might not return.

2. Blog more. I'm ashamed of myself for neglecting this blog. There is no excuse but the last few months have been kind of crazy. Here's to a new year of expressing myself!

3. Upgrade my style. The last year I have not been true to my fashionable inner self. Boring jeans almost every day with a boring t-shirt. Definitely not what a Fashion Merchandising grad with hopes of working in the industry should be wearing. Another shameful act that I hope to rectify this new year.

4. Create. Put my creativity to use and make beautiful things.

5. Get a job in my field. I have been trying for so long that I need a brand new approach. I have the brains. I have the degree. I have the passion. I have absolute desire. Now I just have to stand out among the countless other applicants I compete with. This is a major goal of mine for this year.

6. Move. Anywhere else. This goal is significantly tied to the previous one. Don't get me wrong, I'm so grateful that I have a home but living with parents post-college is just... Different. I'm a city girl at heart and living in this small town is making me yearn for a change.

7. Refine my sewing skills. I taught myself how to sew and use my sewing machine now I need to perfect those skills and learn new techniques to up my game.

8. Organize my photos. Currently I have over 2,500 pictures just on my iPhone. I love taking photos and preserving memories but organizing them is a whole other ball game. I have photos from my parents and grandparents that deserve some TLC as well as the thousands I have taken since I received my first camera when I was about eight years old.

9. Be more decisive. I love that the Libra inside of me sees both sides to every story but it does not help when decisions need to be made. It tears at me and half the time I end up flipping a coin.

10. Be more aggressive. Yes be aggressive. B-E aggressive. I will never attain my number 5 goal if I don't work on this. I'm mellow and chill but way too timid and shy. Since I started bartending I have definitely come out of my proverbial shell but that won't get me ahead.

11. Yoga. Running. Basketball. Hiking. Kick my ass back into active gear. No excuses.

12. Expand my horizons. Listen to new and old music. Watch new and old movies. Read more books and poetry. Visit more art galleries. Inject more culture into my life.

13. Simply make this year better than the last.